Venezuela Snacks Sweet Pack: COCOSETTE Cookie Wafers 50 gr (4 Pack) + SUSY Cookie Wafers 50 Gr (4 pack) + Pirucream Wafer Filled with Hazelnut and Chocolate Can 300 gr Plus Gift

Product Summary

VENEZUELA SWEETS: if you haven’t tried the true Venezuelan flavor, it’s time to take the best of the country, have fun trying sweet snacks from all over the world, from a place you have never been or give a tasty gift to family, friends, colleagues, teachers, students, co-workers, teenagers.


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Product Description

VENEZUELA SWEETS: if you haven’t tried the true Venezuelan flavor, it’s time to take the best of the country, have fun trying sweet snacks from all over the world, from a place you have never been or give a tasty gift to family, friends, colleagues, teachers, students, co-workers, teenagers.